Sunday, July 30, 2006

Himanshu Zen

No, i haven't changed my surname. i'm Himanshu Gupta still.

For last few days, i'm again going into that blank phases of mine. So, i thought that since indian philosophies and hinduism isn't working for me. (yeah.. i know that i don't do anything least bit religious still.. frankly speaking i'm bored) So, i thought that why not give Zen teachings a try. At least, the things you don't understand can be termed as enlightening. In hinduism you will get interprations of every Act of Gods (Democracy.. duh). In Zen teachings, nobody will explain you anything. You just keep observing the universe, try to solve some mind-less puzzles (can' use mind in solving them). So, i thought that maybe a mind-less guy like me(this time speaking it literally) would fit good with Zen. However, i'm yet waiting for enlightenment when i'll take my first step towards it.

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